Meet: Keith @6months100Pounds

…The creator of @WLStories

When I first started my journey I honestly didn’t have a clue where to start. I used to collect images to inspire myself. When my phone’s memory became full I decided to dump all the pics on IG.  It turns out I wasn’t alone. My account started getting thousands of followers. Then I did what was incredibly scary at the time; I posted my own progress. I’ll never forget that “Hello world, this is me” moment. That one moment of bravery changed things forever. I love helping people, it’s what I live for. I hope to inspire people to live healthy, happy, prosperous lives. I hope to be for someone what I wish I had when I first started. To help someone realize that all they need is the absolute faith that they CAN achieve it and have a strong enough reason why. I never sell anything ever. All my advice / coaching is free. Check out my page and say hello…below are my last few posts.


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